Management of Projects abroad or in Remote Locations
NMCG inc has participated on various industrial and mining projects located abroad or in remote locations. We have developed an expertise to manage the development and the execution of such projects.
Projects abroad or in remote locations bring specific challenges that are not always present for projects located in developed areas, nearby major cities and services. These challenges must be dealt with to ensure a successful outcome of our projects. Often, the procurement of equipment, of material and of services, will require an additional effort if the project site is located in a remote location. It is important to understand these challenges at the beginning of the project, and it is important to plan the required resources to ensure that the material flows to the construction site efficiently. If not, it may impact the overall success of the project.
Projects in third-world countries, or countries under development, will also generate their own set of challenges. It may become difficult to find competent and efficient contractors or vendors in those countries. It is the responsibility of the project team to find alternatives, and to make sure that the project will be supported by quality labour, and by quality vendors.
Projects abroad or in remote locations will also generate additional issues related to the accessibility (or not) or local infrastructures. The non-existence of important services, such as lodging, electricity, potable water, or decent access road, may prove to be a jigsaw puzzle that must be resolved in the earliest moments of a project.
NMCG inc participated on various projects of this nature. Our clients aiming at expanding their operations abroad, or in remote locations, can count on our expertise to ensure that their project will be executed successfully.